March 2022

A Message from our President, Larry Sartori

Hello and welcome to your Chapter 296 Newsletter. This year is moving faster than usual. I hope all of you are doing well and your families are having a good year so far.

I do have news about our team of chapter officers. First, Claire Jones has decided to retire from our Board. She was our Treasurer for many years and has always done an excellent job. I thank her very much for her loyal service. Secondly, I would like to announce Claire’s replacement. Scott McClendon is our new Treasurer officer. Thank you Scott and I am certain everyone wishes you success.

This month I do need to ask you all a favor. We are thinking of going back to in-person meetings at Advent Health. But there are strict requirements that the hospital requires us to follow. Everyone must wear a mask at all times. We will not be allowed to have food or drinks at the meetings. So, the question for all of you is, would you want to continue with the Zoom meetings until the hospital’s restrictions are lifted or meet at the hospital? Please let me know your preference. Thanks so much. I’ve attached a survey link here.
Please go to the survey and mark your choice.

I would like welcome our newest member to our chapter, James Barry. We are glad to have you join us.

To all you Irish fans, Happy St. Patrick’s Day. Yes, I do have a small amount of Irish ancestry. They say, everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day!

Well Spring is here. Go out and smell the roses. If you do not have any, plant some. Also, flowers are easy to plant. No yard? No problem! Plants do well by a sunny window in flowerpots. So, enjoy the nice weather. Perfect for a walk or bike ride.

Our next Zoom meeting is on March 15. Information to follow.

In closing, please let me know about the in-person meetings,

Have a safe and Blessed March!
Peace & Love,