July 2022

A Message from our President, Larry Sartori

Hello everyone and welcome to your July President’s Message. I hope you all had a wonderful celebration for our country on July 4th. I certainly had a fun day with family and friends. We had a traditional barbeque with fireworks in the evening.

I love celebrating that holiday. So many people lost their lives in order for us to be free. We are so lucky to live in this great country.

We will be celebrating our Chapter’s 21st Anniversary on Sunday, July 17th. I hope to see you all there. We are planning a nice event with door prizes, if you are lucky enough to have your ticket chosen, delicious food, cake, and entertainment.

A reminder: There will be no meeting or newsletter in July or August. Our next Zoom meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 20th at 7pm. We already have a speaker set up. Details will be forthcoming. Please let me know if you have any topics you would like for our future meetings and if you know of any speaker that would like to join us, please email me.

In conclusion, have a FANTASTIC SUMMER. Hope to see you on July 17th.

Stay happy and safe.

Peace & Love,