President’s Message

February 2023

Welcome everyone to your February Mended Hearts Newsletter.

I hope you are all doing well.

As you may know, February is National Heart Month. We all should be taking care of our hearts by exercising, eating healthy and being happy.

Our monthly meeting is scheduled for February 21st at 7pm At Orlando Health Heart Institute. Our subject will be “Sharing & Caring” presented by our own Carl Pain.

I hope you can make it. This will be our second hospital meeting since the start of covid several years back. It feels good to see everyone in person.

As you may recall Joan and I are “retiring” from our current positions on the Board. If you have any inclination to serve on the Board, see me or any one of the Board members.

In closing, it has been a pleasure to serve as your President for almost 8 years but like they say, all good things come to an end. This way someone else can have a chance to serve your needs and our chapter’s needs as well.

Again, thanks to all the current and past board members, especially my friend Lee Meneses, who passed away a few tears ago and, also my friend Mike Weber who serves our chapter and organization tirelessly every day. Lastly, to my wife, Joan who kept me on an even keel all these years and thanks for the fine work she has done as Newsletter writer and editor for several years along with many other responsibilities she has taken care of. Thanks again Joan!

Peace & Love to All,
Larry Sartori

Past messages from the president