February 2022

A Message from our President, Larry Sartori

Happy February and welcome to your newsletter for this month. I hope all of you are feeling well and are having a pleasant winter with our cooler temperatures.

Don’t forget your loved ones on Valentine’s Day!

In this newsletter I am including one recipe from the many I have created for the cookbooks I have written. It is an easy one to follow and is heart healthy, nutritious, and tasty. Please enjoy!

February is heart month. What an appropriate month for heart survivors. But where did this celebration get it’s orgins? Well, as you can guess, it dates back to Ancient rome, yes those crazy Romans. It seems there was Christian prient named Valentine (the name Valentine was a common name in those says). He was captured by Roman soldiers for practicing banned church services and performing marriages to citizens of Rome and other noble acts. He was made a Saint and then was sentenced to death.

Pope Gelasius in 496AD established St. Valentine Feast Day to be celebrated every February 14th. Now, of course, there are other explaations but this one seems the most locical. So smell the flowers and eat some dark chocolate and enjoy the day!

We are still looking for a guest speaker for our Zoom meeting scheduled for February 15th. We will update you as soon as something is scheduled.

Peace & Love,
